This is Part II in a discussion on how to incorporate multiple submit buttons on html forms. Part I focused on having multiple submit buttons that performed completely different actions, such as going to different web pages. Here we consider…
Author: admin
Multiple Submit Buttons on Forms: Part I
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• •I recently encountered the challenge of including multiple submit buttons on an html form. Wading through the noise on various blogs and help sites was painful. I finally found the following solution that works, and decided to post this little…
Why Doesn’t My CSS Work?
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• •It seems that I am always banging my head against the CSS wall screaming “What is wrong with my CSS code?” and “Why doesn’t it work?” Today I came across the blog CSSNewbie and they had a nice article on…
Common Code::Blocks Set Up Error
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• •I have just installed Code::Blocks 10.05 and I had some difficulties getting source code (like HelloWorld) to compile. I encountered the following error: “xxx – Debug” uses an invalid compiler. Probably the toolchain path within the compiler options is not…
Propulsion-less Space Travel
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• •The problem with space travel is that of propulsion. One has to literally throw stuff out of the back of the ship to accelerate. Basically, give that stuff momentum in one direction, and the ship will gain momentum in the…
Fifty Years of Exploration
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• •Exactly 50 years ago, July 14th and 15th, 1965, the Mariner 4 Probe made the first fly-by of another planet, Mars. Yesterday, July 14, 2015, New Horizons made the first fly-by of Pluto, thus completing our first survey of the…
Inferences about Life in the Universe
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• •Recently, Brendon Brewer posted an interesting piece titled “Life in the Universe” on how the information that life appeared early in Earth’s history affects one’s inferences about whether it is easy to form life or if life is rare. Its…
New Horizons Returns First Images of Pluto
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• •The New Horizons probe (after being launched in 2006) is finally approaching Pluto with an arrival on July 14, 2015. It has been traveling since two years before my son Henry was born. This is a very important event, since…
FQXi Essay titled “The Deeper Roles of Mathematics in Physical Laws”
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• •This week I submitted my essay to the 2015 FQXi Essay Contest, Trick or Truth?, which is focused on the surprising success of mathematics and its relationship between mathematics and physics. My essay titled “The Deeper Roles of Mathematics in…
The Influence Network: A New Foundation for Emergent Physics
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• •My former student Prof. Newshaw Bahreyni and my current student James Walsh and I will be making a joint presentation at the Beyond SpaceTime 2015 Workshop organized by Christian Wuthrich, Nick Huggett, and David Rideout in San Diego in March…