This is Part II in a discussion on how to incorporate multiple submit buttons on html forms. Part I focused on having multiple submit buttons that performed completely different actions, such as going to different web pages. Here we consider…
Day: June 23, 2016
Multiple Submit Buttons on Forms: Part I
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• •I recently encountered the challenge of including multiple submit buttons on an html form. Wading through the noise on various blogs and help sites was painful. I finally found the following solution that works, and decided to post this little…
Why Doesn’t My CSS Work?
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• •It seems that I am always banging my head against the CSS wall screaming “What is wrong with my CSS code?” and “Why doesn’t it work?” Today I came across the blog CSSNewbie and they had a nice article on…
Common Code::Blocks Set Up Error
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• •I have just installed Code::Blocks 10.05 and I had some difficulties getting source code (like HelloWorld) to compile. I encountered the following error: “xxx – Debug” uses an invalid compiler. Probably the toolchain path within the compiler options is not…